Saturday, December 22, 2012

A day off (finally)

Well folks, I guess I failed. I'm not writing a Think Kit post today. Not even taking a lifeline. I should probably be ashamed of myself since I'm basically running the whole Think Kit operation. But I don't feel too bad about it really. It's already been an awesome, thought-provoking month. And I am still blogging about something, even if this post is really just about not blogging today.

So yeah, the prompt is: "Mind map a project you want to tackle in 2013" and I'm just not going to do it. If you're super disappointed, consider this post my anti-mind map, my refusal to think about the future or be extra creative today.

Perhaps I should explain instead of just acting like a dick. We had about 20 people from my wife's extended family over for Christmas lunch today. I have a Golden Moses DJ show tonight in Muncie. When I haven't been blogging, tweeting for Think Kit, or working at SmallBox this week, I've been using every possible moment to either clean up the house and get ready for today or to work on my set for my show tonight. So I'm a busy man! I got no time for making plans; I've got a life to live!

Hopefully everyone understands. We all just need a day off sometimes. And yeah, I guess yesterday's post was a bit of a cheap copout too. But look, I ended up writing a pretty long posts both days anyway. No wonder they call this the Think Kit "challenge."

Ahhh, when will I ever stop working myself to death? Maybe tomorrow? :)

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