My vinyl obsession is one habit that has definitely become a reliable way for me to chill out and forget my worries. I love listening to vinyl - new, old, weird, corny, it doesn't matter. I just enjoy the process of browsing the shelves at local record shops; of taking a risk on a record I've never heard of or one that my friends would probably mock; of listening to LPs and 45s at home at the end of a long day. There have been plenty of times this year when I go to the record shop for a break in the middle of a working day or right after I get off work. Even if I don't end up buying anything, it's a relaxing activity for me.
It can be expensive and time consuming too, but it's a hobby that gives me a little peace of mind when I need it. I enjoy organizing my collection, swapping records with friends, listening to them at my chapter of a "perfect sides club." Space to store vinyl can be an issue, and it can be a little stressful, but it also motivates me to find ways to get rid of records I no longer appreciate or want to keep. Collecting records isn't the most popular hobby in the world, but considering the ongoing resurgence of vinyl culture, it's also not the most unusual. Ultimately, it helps take my mind off of other things, and I think everybody needs something like that.
Today’s prompt: What did you do this year when things got hectic? How did you unwind?
hear hear! Vinyl should be prescribed medicinally. Legalize vinyl!