Definitely not the best picture I've ever taken - it's blurry, kind of dark, just randomly shot on my cell phone. A couple months ago, I was home by myself for a couple days, and I took a walk around the yard. As you can tell, it was the height of fall: red leaves, pumpkins, nice sunset colors, still a little greenery...
Buying this house was a crazy process, and somewhat stressful for my wife and me. I definitely spent the first few weeks in the house terrified about all the things that might be wrong with it.
Over time though, I've settled in. And the house, property, wildlife, etc. give me the peace I have always sought in a place to call home. It's amazing, and I'm thankful every day to live here. I hope that we will always stay dedicated to keeping and improving our home and the surrounding land. We'll have to work hard, and we know it, but considering the beauty and spirit of this place, I think it'll all be worth it.
Today’s prompt: Share a photo from your year that highlights giving, thankfulness, traditions or finding peace.
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